Twenty Girls and a Band ist vergleichbar mit Storstadens puls (1963), Honour (2018), Flow (2012), Alien TV (2019), 니가 일주일 넘게 연락이 없어서 (2021), Filmini mentali (2020), Flows (2023), Winter's End (2022), The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon (2008), Eaten Alive: A Tasteful Revenge (1999), Den sömniga revolutionen (2009), Prinsen (2012), Spindeln (2012), Bytesdjuren (2012), Min hemliga bror (2019), Consequence (2016), Ace (2018), Georgie (2019), On a Wednesday Night in Tokyo (2004) und Витамин роста (1988). Die Regie von Twenty Girls and a Band machte Leslie Goodwins.