The Red Gate: Magellan at the Gates of Death, Part I ist 1976 veröffentlicht worden. The Red Gate: Magellan at the Gates of Death, Part I ist den Genres Dokumentarfilm einzuordnen. Ähnliche Filme sind A Media Agua (2023), Foreign Names (2012), INTERVENÇÕES E INTERFERÊNCIAS (2023), Experimentuum (2024), Le crash (2012), Majestic Mountains (2010), The Sounds of 7am (2023), IMÁGENES CAPITALES (2023), If it Won’t Hold Water, it Surely Won’t Hold a Goat (2014), Lake (2019), indo e voltando (2018), ............ (reticências, reticências, reticências...) (2016), suas digitais nos meus olhos... ou será o oposto... (2016), respirar expirar inspirar (2017), A Personal Fidget, A Jornada (2022), Hong Kong Mixtape (2023), a importância (2018), Empire of My Melodious Mind (2023) und Somewhere Real (2023). Die Regie von The Red Gate: Magellan at the Gates of Death, Part I machte Hollis Frampton.