Dieser Film ist 2018 produziert worden. Im Regal findet man diesen Film zwischen Druga linija (2016), As You Are (2023), Весільний спадок (2020), Brief Case (2021), IMÁGENES CAPITALES (2023), a importância (2018), learn portuguese (2018), Chez Schwartz (2007), One Second in Montreal (1969), What's In a Number (1948), Eine Affäre in Paris (2003), Wara, Road to the Stars (2017), If it Won’t Hold Water, it Surely Won’t Hold a Goat (2014), RE VO LU ÇÃO (2018), A Personal Fidget, Chateau/Poyet (2004), FOREIGN AFFAIRS (2024), as flores e as dores que ele me deu (2023), Nocturnal (2022) und Lullaby for the Lost (2023). Die Regie von den Film machte Danilo Macuco.