In der Videothek sucht man am besten bei Dokumentarfilm nach diesen Film. Im Regal findet man Voodoo Medics zwischen Packed Lunch (2005), Still Standing (2023), Brazen Hussies (2020), Life in Australia: Mount Gambier (1964), Under Stress (1964), The Case For Books (1966), When I Came Home (2006), Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), Combat in the Air - Strategic Air Power in the Gulf (1996), Utopia (2013), Servant or Slave (2016), Pauline Hanson: Please Explain! (2016), Island Shunters (1977), Combat in the Air - Close Air Support in the Gulf (1996), Combat in the Air - Stealth Warplanes (1996), Dead on Their Feet (1958), Life in Australia: Wagga Wagga (1966), Deep Water: The Real Story (2016), Feed Them to the Cannibals! (1993) und Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden? (2008). Die Regie von Voodoo Medics machte Kristin Shorten.