The Catskill Mountain House and the World Around ist 2010 produziert worden. In der Videothek sucht man am besten bei Dokumentarfilm nach The Catskill Mountain House and the World Around. Im Regal findet man The Catskill Mountain House and the World Around zwischen Land of Little Rivers (2019), The Lost Spirits (2009), Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer (2010), An Empire of Reason (1988), Sommer der Krüppelbewegung (2020), Local Heroes: Baseball on Capital Region Diamonds (1995), Echo Of The Past: The Terrence Tower (2012), Rise and Fall of the Borscht Belt (1986), 15 Miles On The Erie Canal (Part 1) (2006), City of Joel (2018), Deep Water: Building the Catskill Water System (2002), Rails to the Catskills (2014), 15 Miles On The Erie Canal (Part 2) (2006), Half Sour (2014), Restoring a Masterpiece: The Renovation of Eastman Theatre (2010), When Comedy Went to School (2013), MOVE (2017), The First Artist in America: The Life and Times of John Vanderlyn (2017), MOUNTAIN RIVER - The Esopus Creek: Headwaters to the Hudson (2020) und Sweet Violets (2012). Die Regie von den Film machte Tobe Carey.