Monty Pythons wunderbare Welt der Schwerkraft

Wenn die Filmindustrie stirbt … hat Monty Python sie getötet!

#Komödie #Kettledrum Films #Python (Monty) Pictures Limited #Playboy Enterprises #blackmail #stupidity #spoof #compilation #lumberjack #sketch comedy #dead parrot #twit #physical comedy #intentional mistranslation #foot race #obstacle course #anarchic comedy #Patricia Casey #Ian MacNaughton #Douglas Gamley #Graham Chapman #John Cleese #Terry Gilliam #Eric Idle #Terry Jones #Michael Palin #Carol Cleveland #Connie Booth #Lesley Judd #Brother / Policeman / Defence attorney / British pedestrian / Mr. Harrison / The Colonel / 'Hell's Grannies' policeman / Jimmy Blankensop / Sir Edward Ross / Restaurant patron #1 / Letter Writer / Oliver St. John Mollusk / Mountie / Town Guild Lady #Announcer / Hungarian Citizen / self - Defence Teacher / Sir George Head / Policeman / Interviewer / Mr. Praline / Second General / Christopher Columbus / Mungo the Cook / Bank Robber / Accountant #2 / Vocational Guidance Counselor / Vivian Smith Smythe Smith / Mountie / Town Guild Lady #Self-Defence Nun / Flasher / Uncle Sam / Caterpillar Man / Sign Holder / Conrad Poohs #Prosecutor / Marriage Counselor / Arthur Nudge / Self-defence student #4 / 'Hell's Grannies' analyst / Arthur Wilson / Arthur Wilson Two / Nightclub Emcee / Linkman / First General / Restaurant Manager / Lingerie Shop Owner / Accountant #1 / Fairy Godmother / Rita Fairbanks / Simon Zinc Trumpet Harris / Mountie / Lady With Cookbook #Stage Manager / Tobacconist / 2nd Hungarian Man / Squire / Self-defence student #3 / Tenant #1 / Flasher / Mouse Organist Ken Ewing / Fat Soldier / Waiter / Nude Organist / Brian / Nigel Incubator Jones #Gumby / Man with tape recorder / Phrasebook Author / Arthur Pewtey / Second self - defence student / Second Tenant / Lost His Wallet / Shrill Petrol Announcer / Milkman / Ernest Scribbler / Pet shop employee / Lumberjack / Headwaiter Gilberto / Herbert Anchovy / Blackmail Presenter / Gervais Brookhamster / Town Guild Lady #Dierdre Pewtey / Storyteller / Milkman Collector / Restaurant Patron #2 / Elsbeth #Best Girl #Distraught Mother #United Kingdom #United States of America

Monty Pythons wunderbare Welt der Schwerkraft Trailer und Teaser

Monty Pythons wunderbare Welt der Schwerkraft ≣ 1971 ≣ Trailer





28.09. 1971


88 min


100,000 $




Sketch-Sammlung der englischen Comedy-Truppe Monty Python, die Ausschnitte aus ihren TV-Shows enthält, darunter der Wettbewerb um den Oberklassentrottel des Jahres, den Papageienkauf, die marodierenden Omas, das Holzfällerlied, das Mäuseklavier, den tödlichen Witz u. a.

1971 wurde Monty Pythons wunderbare Welt der Schwerkraft produziert. In der Videothek sucht man am besten bei Komödie nach den Film. Dieser Film ist produziert worden von Kettledrum Films, Python (Monty) Pictures Limited und Playboy Enterprises. Gedreht wurde in United Kingdom und United States of America. Im Regal findet man diesen Film zwischen Tale of a Dog (1944), The Black Cat (1941), Michel Barrette: Faut j'te raconte (2012), Funny Up North (2011), DivertiMento – Gate 10 (2013), Dino... Abangan ang Susunod na... (1993), Scooby-Doo! Winter WonderDog (2002), Basically Black (1973), Leslie Nielsen ist sehr verdächtig (1998), South Park: Der Film - größer, länger, ungeschnitten (1999), Johnny English - Der Spion, der es versiebte (2003), SpongeBob Schwammkopf (2015), Até Que a Sorte nos Separe 2 (2013), Meu Passado Me Condena: O Filme (2013), Confissões de Adolescente (2014), Der Onkel vom Mars (1999), Striptease (1996), The Good Girl (2002), Les Deschiens - Les Frères Zenith (1990) und 12 mesyatsev (2013). Die Musik des Films stammt von Douglas Gamley. Die Produktion von Monty Pythons wunderbare Welt der Schwerkraft leitete David Gil. Die Regie von den Film machte Ian MacNaughton. Zu sehen sind in dem Film unter anderen Graham Chapman als Brother / Policeman / Defence attorney / British pedestrian / Mr. Harrison (Apricot) / The Colonel / 'Hell's Grannies' policeman / Jimmy Blankensop / Sir Edward Ross / Restaurant patron #1 / Letter Writer / Oliver St. John Mollusk / Mountie / Town Guild Lady, John Cleese als Announcer / Hungarian Citizen / self - Defence Teacher / Sir George Head / Policeman / Interviewer / Mr. Praline / Second General / Christopher Columbus / Mungo the Cook / Bank Robber / Accountant #2 (falling past the window) / Vocational Guidance Counselor / Vivian Smith Smythe Smith / Mountie / Town Guild Lady, Terry Gilliam als Self-Defence Nun / Flasher / Uncle Sam / Caterpillar Man / Sign Holder / Conrad Poohs, Eric Idle als Prosecutor / Marriage Counselor / Arthur Nudge / Self-defence student #4 (interested in pointed sticks) / 'Hell's Grannies' analyst / Arthur Wilson / Arthur Wilson Two / Nightclub Emcee / Linkman / First General / Restaurant Manager / Lingerie Shop Owner / Accountant #1 (falling past the window) / Fairy Godmother / Rita Fairbanks / Simon Zinc Trumpet Harris / Mountie / Lady With Cookbook, Terry Jones als Stage Manager / Tobacconist / 2nd Hungarian Man / Squire / Self-defence student #3 / Tenant #1 / Flasher / Mouse Organist Ken Ewing / Fat Soldier / Waiter / Nude Organist / Brian / Nigel Incubator Jones, Michael Palin als Gumby / Man with tape recorder / Phrasebook Author / Arthur Pewtey / Second self - defence student / Second Tenant / Lost His Wallet / Shrill Petrol Announcer / Milkman / Ernest Scribbler / Pet shop employee / Lumberjack / Headwaiter Gilberto / Herbert Anchovy / Blackmail Presenter / Gervais Brookhamster / Town Guild Lady, Carol Cleveland als Dierdre Pewtey / Storyteller / Milkman Collector / Restaurant Patron #2 / Elsbeth, Connie Booth als Best Girl und Lesley Judd als Distraught Mother.