Az aranyborjú ist den Genres Animation eingeordnet. Ähnliche Filme sind Joshua and the Promised Land (2004), Finding Jesus (2020), VeggieTales: God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?! (1994), Die zehn Gebote (2007), VeggieTales: Are You My Neighbor? (1995), VeggieTales: Dave and the Giant Pickle (1996), VeggieTales: Duke and the Great Pie War (2005), VeggieTales: Robin Good and His Not So Merry Men (2012), VeggieTales: Tomato Sawyer & Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue (2008), The First Christmas (1998), VeggieTales: Where's God When I'm S-Scared? (1993), Der Mann der 1000 Wunder (2000), VeggieTales: Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler (2006), VeggieTales: Moe and the Big Exit (2007), Jesus: He Lived Among Us (2016), VeggieTales: Sweetpea Beauty (2010), VeggieTales: The Penniless Princess (2012), VeggieTales: Twas the Night Before Easter (2011), Noah's Magic Ark (1996) und VeggieTales: Lord of the Beans (2005).