Britain's Wicca Man: The Middle-Class British Man That Founded Modern Witchcraft ist den Kategorien Dokumentarfilm einzuordnen. Britain's Wicca Man: The Middle-Class British Man That Founded Modern Witchcraft ist vergleichbar mit Witchcraft: The Making of Bayonetta (2014), Bécquer y las brujas (2018), UFOs Masonry and Satanism in the Occult Social Order (2005), Witchcraft Through the Ages (1968), I Am a Witch (2023), The Unbinding (2023), Hex Hollow: Witchcraft and Murder in Pennsylvania (2015), Hexen (1922), WICCA (2018), The Burning Times (1990), The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan (2004), Australia After Dark (1975), Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror (2021), The Power of the Witch: Real or Imaginary? (1971), The Dunsmore Devil Worshippers (1971), Harry Potter: A Spirit Conspiracy? (2005), Angeli bianchi… angeli neri (1970), They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll (2004), Deception of a Generation (1984) und Legend of the Witches (1970).