2018 wurde der Film produziert. In der Videothek sucht man am besten bei Dokumentarfilm nach diesen Film. Im Regal findet man indo e voltando zwischen Fajr (2019), Casa Loma (2010), Romantic Warriors IV: Krautrock (Part I) (2019), The Allegory of The Bla Bla Bla (Video Edition) (2023), beer cans under my bed (2024), Tree (2010), Wall Ball, The Sounds of 7am (2023), One Second in Montreal (1969), John Cale: Fragments of a Rainy Season (1992), Próxima Parada (2024), Frank Zappa (1971), Feet in Water, Head on Fire (2023), Empire of My Melodious Mind (2023), Tomatoes (2020), Joe Orton Laid Bare (2017), Her Violet Kiss (2021), ............ (reticências, reticências, reticências...) (2016), suas digitais nos meus olhos... ou será o oposto... (2016) und respirar expirar inspirar (2017). Die Regie von indo e voltando machte Danilo Macuco.