2017 wurde respirar expirar inspirar produziert. In der Videothek sucht man am besten bei Dokumentarfilm nach den Film. Im Regal findet man respirar expirar inspirar zwischen For You (2023), Somewhere Real (2023), The Sounds of 7am (2023), Wall Ball, indo e voltando (2018), ............ (reticências, reticências, reticências...) (2016), suas digitais nos meus olhos... ou será o oposto... (2016), John Cale: Fragments of a Rainy Season (1992), out of touch (franklinia still life) (2023), Einstein on the Beach: The Changing Image of Opera (1985), Between Science and Garbage (2004), One Second in Montreal (1969), Próxima Parada (2024), IMÁGENES CAPITALES (2023), P.M. (1961), beer cans under my bed (2024), Logistics (2012), Phantasia (2024), The Life of Python (2000) und If it Won’t Hold Water, it Surely Won’t Hold a Goat (2014). Die Regie von diesen Film machte Danilo Macuco.